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Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -708
Hebrew translation:

תִּקּוּן שְׁמוֹנָה וַחֲמִשִּׁים
בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִי”ם, (הִיא) אֶת, בַּת יְחִידָה הִיא בַּת מֶלֶךְ פְּנִימָה, (הִיא) אֶת הָאָמָה שֶׁלָּהּ, וְעָלֶיהָ נֶאֱמַר וַיַּפֵּל יהו”ה אֱלֹהִי”ם תַּרְדֵּמָה עַל הָאָדָם וַיִּישָׁן וְכוּ’, מַה זֶּה וַיִּסְגֹּר? פָּתַח רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן וְאָמַר: וִירִיחוֹ סֹגֶרֶת וּמְסֻגֶּרֶת, מַה זֶּה וִירִיחוֹ? זֶהוּ הַיָּרֵחַ שֶׁהוּא הַגּוּף שֶׁלָּהּ, הָאָמָה מִבַּת הַמֶּלֶךְ, שֶׁהִיא הַנְּקֻדָּה שֶׁלָּהּ, סֹגֶרֶת וּמְסֻגֶּרֶת מִבִּפְנִים כְּמוֹ זֶה: כּ.וּבִשְׁבִילָהּ נֶאֱמַר לְעֻמַּת הַמִּסְגֶּרֶת תִּהְיֶיןָ הַטַּבָּעֹת וְגוֹמֵר, מַה זֶּה הַטַּבָּעֹת? אֵלּוּ שְׁנֵי הָאָזְנַיִם שֶׁל הַלֵּב, שֶׁהֵם עֲגֻלִּים כְּטַבָּעוֹת, וְהַלֵּב הוּא לִשְׂמֹאל, כָּךְ הַשֻּׁלְחָן צָרִיךְ לִשְׂמֹאל, שֻׁלְחָן בַּצָּפוֹן. לְבָתִּים לְבַדִּים, מַה זֶּה לְבָתִּים? אֵלּוּ שְׁנֵי בָּתֵּי הַלֵּב. מַה זֶּה לְבַדִּים? אֵלּוּ שְׁתֵּי הַכְּלָיוֹת, שְׁנֵיהֶם בַּחוּץ, עֲלֵיהֶם נֶאֱמַר וְהָיוּ תוֹאֲמִם מִלְּמַטָּה, שְׁנֵי כַּנְפֵי רֵאָה, וְיַחְדָּו יִהְיוּ תַמִּים עַל רֹאשׁוֹ, וּמִשּׁוּם שֶׁשְּׁמִיעָה תְלוּיָה בַלֵּב, פֵּרְשׁוּהָ בַּעֲלֵי הַמִּשְׁנָה הַלֵּב שׁוֹמֵעַ.


Tikkun 58 – 1

בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִי”ם, “In the Beginning God Created…”, The Zohar in this explanation refers to the first word of the Torah that Created the Daughter, which is Malchut.

Genesis 2:21 “וַיַּפֵּל יְהוָה אֱלֹהִים תַּרְדֵּמָה עַל-הָאָדָם, וַיִּישָׁן; וַיִּקַּח, אַחַת מִצַּלְעֹתָיו, וַיִּסְגֹּר בָּשָׂר, תַּחְתֶּנָּה”
“And YHVH God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and CLOSED UP the place with flesh instead thereof.”

The man was created in the image and likeness of God. He had both aspects of male and female. God separated the female part from him to create the physical world. This is revealed in the verse above with “and CLOSED UP the place with flesh”.

The Zohar here makes a connection to the process of building the Holy Ark for the Tabernacle (Exodus 25). The effect of ‘closed up the place’ is the border between spiritual and physical, Light and vessel. The place of the Ark in the Holy Tabernacle is where the light meets the vessel. God and Moses used it for communications. (Exodus 25:22) “And there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the ark-cover, from between the two cherubim…”.

There are places where we can open and have connection with the light. One place is the ‘wings’ of the lungs that is the aspect of the two cherubim above the Ark. The light of the Creator in the air (אור. אויר) gives us life energy when it is absorbed in the blood through the lungs. Another place is the heart where the blood circulates and lets us feel and hear our soul. It sends us messages and guides us in doing our corrections.
