Zohar Spark – 00004 – 1820
The YHVH name appears 1820 times in the Torah.
(סוד = Secret = 70) x (26 = יהוה) equal 1820
It means that the Secret of YHVH is equal to the number of times the name appears in the Torah.
The first word of the Torah = בראשית, ‘In the beginning’ is the seed/DNA of the entire Torah. Rabbi Shimon wrote 70 studies related to this word. The complete study is available on DailyZohar.com
יהוה = 26. The spelled value of the number 26 (עשרים שש) adds to 1820
עין+שין+ריש+יוד+מם+שין+שין = 1820
The first and last words of the blessing of the Kohanim = 1820
There are more secrets related to this special number that you can find here (Hebrew website): https://sod1820.co.il/category/%D7%A1%D7%95%D7%93-1820/