Daily Zohar # 3881 – Vayakhel – Wise vs Intelligent
Daily Zohar 3881

Hebrew translation:
120. מַה בֵּין זֶה לָזֶה? חָכָם, הֲרֵי פֵּרְשׁוּהָ, שֶׁאֲפִלּוּ תַּלְמִיד הַמַּחְכִּים אֶת רַבּוֹ נִקְרָא חָכָם. חָכָם, שֶׁיּוֹדֵעַ לְעַצְמוֹ כָּל מַה שֶּׁצָּרִיךְ. בְּנָבוֹן יֵשׁ כַּמָּה דְרָגוֹת – שֶׁמִּסְתַּכֵּל בַּכֹּל, וְיוֹדֵעַ בְּשֶׁלּוֹ וּבַאֲחֵרִים, וְסִימָנְךָ – (משלי יב) יוֹדֵעַ צַדִּיק נֶפֶשׁ בְּהֶמְתּוֹ. (שמואל-ב כג) צַדִּיק מוֹשֵׁל יִרְאַת אֱלֹהִים. וְכָאן חֲכַם לֵב דַּוְקָא. בַּלֵּב חָכָם, וְלֹא בְמָקוֹם אַחֵר, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁעוֹמֵד בַּלֵּב, וְנָבוֹן לְמַעְלָה וּלְמַטָּה, מִסְתַּכֵּל בְּעַצְמוֹ וּבְשֶׁל אֲחֵרִים.
Zohar Vayakhel
Continued from previous DZ
The Hebrew word חכם is mainly translated to ‘Wise.’ The word ‘נבון’ has many possible translations, like discerning, intelligent, wise, understanding, smart, clever, sapient, and more. The Zohar finds that the Torah distinguishes between the two. For this study, we will use ‘wise’ for ‘חכם’ and ‘Intelligent’ for ‘נבון.’
Exodus 35:10
“וְכָל חֲכַם לֵב בָּכֶם יָבֹאוּ וְיַעֲשׂוּ אֵת כָּל אֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהוָה.”
“‘All who are gifted artisans (חֲכַם לֵב, Wise heart) among you shall come and make all that YHVH has commanded:”
Rabbi Yossi looked at this verse and explained that when the Holy One Blessed be He asked Moses to find wise חכמים and intelligent נבונים people; he didn’t find any נבונים intelligent people in all Israel. The first verse below is the first request, and the following verse is missing the word ‘intelligent.’
Deuteronomy 1:13
“הָבוּ לָכֶם אֲנָשִׁים חֲכָמִים וּנְבֹנִים וִידֻעִים לְשִׁבְטֵיכֶם וַאֲשִׂימֵם בְּרָאשֵׁיכֶם.”
“Obtain for yourselves men who are wise, intelligent, and informed from your tribes, and I will appoint them as your heads.’”
Deuteronomy 1:15
“וָאֶקַּח אֶת רָאשֵׁי שִׁבְטֵיכֶם אֲנָשִׁים חֲכָמִים וִידֻעִים וָאֶתֵּן אוֹתָם רָאשִׁים עֲלֵיכֶם שָׂרֵי אֲלָפִים וְשָׂרֵי מֵאוֹת וְשָׂרֵי חֲמִשִּׁים וְשָׂרֵי עֲשָׂרֹת וְשֹׁטְרִים לְשִׁבְטֵיכֶם.”
“So I took the heads of your tribes, wise and known men, and made them heads over you, leaders of thousands, leaders of hundreds, leaders of fifties, leaders of tens, and officers for your tribes.”
The above leads us to conclude that since no intelligent people are found for the task, ‘Intelligent’ is on a higher level than ‘wise.’
He asks, what is the difference between wise חכם, and נבון intelligent. He answers even a student that expresses wisdom to his teacher is called a wise man.
Therefore, a wise person knows everything needed to know. The intelligent person has several levels because he looks at everything and understands himself and others. This secret comes from Proverbs 12:10 “יוֹדֵעַ צַדִּיק נֶפֶשׁ בְּהֶמְתּוֹ” “The righteous know the soul of his animal.”
The numerical value of ‘Animal’ ‘בהמה’ is 52. Tzadik is Yessod that provides for Malchut and the secret of the YHVH name for Malchut, יוד-הה-וו-הה that has the numerical value of 52.
2 Samuel 23:3
“אָמַר אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לִי דִבֶּר צוּר יִשְׂרָאֵל מוֹשֵׁל בָּאָדָם צַדִּיק מוֹשֵׁל יִרְאַת אֱלֹהִים.”
“The God of Israel said to me, The Rock of Israel rules over men, Tzadik rules the fear of God.”
Tzadik rules over Malchut that is called “The fear of God.”
Malchut is called “wise heart”(Exodus 35:10) because it is where the light of wisdom, Chokmah, is revealed. smart
“Intelligent” is Yessod and can connect above and below and that is why ‘Intelligent’ is higher than ‘wise’. He receives Chassadim from above and gives to the lower, Malchut.
This is the secret of “The righteous know the soul of his animal”.