Daily Zohar 4039
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -4039

Hebrew translation:

437. כְּשֶׁמִּזְדַּוֵּג הַמֶּלֶךְ בַּמַּלְכָּה, עוֹלָה עֲטָרָה זוֹ וּמִתְיַשֶּׁבֶת בְּרֹאשׁ הַמַּלְכָּה, וְאָז יוֹרֶדֶת עֲטָרָה אַחַת עֶלְיוֹנָה קְבוּעָה שֶׁל כָּל אֶבֶן טוֹבָה, וְכַפְתּוֹר וָפֶרַח סְבִיבָהּ. בְּשִׁשָּׁה גַלְגַּלִּים בָּאָה לְשִׁשָּׁה צִדְדֵי הָעוֹלָם, שֵׁשׁ כַּנְפֵי נֶשֶׁר לוֹקְחִים אוֹתָהּ. בִּפְלָחֶיהָ חֲמִשִּׁים (פִּלְחֵי) עֲנָבִים סְבִיבָהּ שֶׁחָקְקָה בָּהּ הָאֵם הָעֶלְיוֹנָה, קְבוּעִים בְּאֶבֶן טוֹבָה, לָבָן וְאָדֹם, יָרֹק וְשָׁחֹר, תְּכֵלֶת וְאַרְגָּמָן. שֵׁשׁ מֵאוֹת וּשְׁלֹשׁ עֶשְׂרֵה זָוִיּוֹת לְכָל צַד וְצַד.
438. אֶלֶף וְשֵׁשׁ מֵאוֹת מִגְדָּלִים לְכָל צַד וְצַד, וְכָל מִגְדָּל וּמִגְדָּל הָרִים קְבוּעִים. פּוֹרְחִים לְמַעְלָה, נִשְׁאָבִים בִּכְתֹנֶת (בְּשֻׁלְחַן) הָאֵם הָעֶלְיוֹנָה בְּשֶׁמֶן מִשְׁחָה שֶׁלָּהּ. אָז הָאִמָּא בְּלַחַשׁ מַשְׁפִּיעָה מַתָּנוֹת עֶלְיוֹנוֹת, וְשׁוֹלַחַת וְקוֹבַעַת אוֹתָם בְּאוֹתָהּ הָעֲטָרָה. אַחַר כָּךְ מַשְׁפִּיעָה נַחֲלֵי שֶׁמֶן מִשְׁחַת קֹדֶשׁ עַל רֹאשׁ הַמֶּלֶךְ, וּמֵהָרֹאשׁ יוֹרֵד אוֹתוֹ שֶׁמֶן טוֹב עֶלְיוֹן עַל זְקָנוֹ הַמְכֻבָּד, וּמִשָּׁם שׁוֹפֵעַ עַל אוֹתָם לְבוּשֵׁי הַמֶּלֶךְ. זֶהוּ שֶׁכָּתוּב (תהלים קלג) כַּשֶּׁמֶן הַטּוֹב עַל הָרֹאשׁ יֹרֵד עַל הַזָּקָן וְגוֹ’.


Zohar Balak
Continued from previous DZ
When the king, who is Zeir Anpin, mates with the queen, which is the Malchut. Then this crown rises and sits on the head of Malchut. That is, all the actions mentioned above were only during the unification of Zeir Anpin with Malchut. Then one supreme crown comes down to Zeir Anpin, studded around with every precious stone, with a button and a flower decoration. The crown comes on six wheels to six directions of the world, and six eagle wings carry her. Fifty grapes around the crown, which the supernal mother, Binah, carved in it. They are studded in precious stone with white, red, green, black, blue, and crimson colors. Six hundred and thirteen lights shine from all sides.

The grapes’ ענבים’ represent drawing the Light of Chokmah down to Malchut. Extracting wine from the grapes reveals the Light in Malchut.

One thousand six hundred towers on each side. And each and every tower is made of fixed columns. This means that a few houses surround each tower. They fly above and are pulled by the anointing oil of the Mother, Binah. The mother secretly sends superior gifts and enshrines them in that crown. Afterward, she streams holy anointing oil on the king’s head, Zeir Anpin, and from his head, the supreme good oil falls on his precious beard, and from there, it flowed on the king’s clothes, as it is written;
Psalm 133:2
“כַּשֶּׁמֶן הַטּוֹב עַל הָרֹאשׁ יֹרֵד עַל הַזָּקָן זְקַן אַהֲרֹן שֶׁיֹּרֵד עַל פִּי מִדּוֹתָיו.”
“It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments.”

Psalm 133 has only three verses, but it draws blessings from the level of Chokmah. Every Psalm has concealed Light that manifests in Malchut. We read Psalms every day.
