Daily Zohar # 4268 – Behaalotcha – She turned her back because their complained
Daily Zohar 4268

Hebrew translation:
133. אָמַר רַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר, אֲנִי שֶׁאָמַרְתִּי מִסִּפְרוֹ שֶׁל רַב יֵיבָא סָבָא, שֶׁאָמַר שֶׁבֵּין מִצַּד זֶה וּבֵין מִצַּד זֶה חָזַר. אָמַר לוֹ, נָאֶה אָמַר, אֲבָל זֶה שֶׁאָמַרְנוּ, כָּךְ תִּמְצָא בְּסִפְרוֹ שֶׁל רַב הַמְנוּנָא סָבָא, וְכָךְ זֶה בְּוַדַּאי.
134. וְהַמָּן כִּזְרַע גַּד הוּא. אָמַר רַבִּי יוֹסֵי, לְהַעֲמִיד זֶרַע וַחֲיָלוֹת בָּאָרֶץ, כְּמוֹ שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (בראשית מט) גָּד גְּדוּד יְגוּדֶנּוּ. מַה זֶּרַע גָּד נָטְלוּ חֶלְקָם בְּאֶרֶץ אַחֶרֶת, כָּךְ הַמָּן שָׁרָה עַל יִשְׂרָאֵל מִחוּץ לָאָרֶץ הַקְּדוֹשָׁה.
Zohar Behaalotcha
Continued from previous DZ
What is certain is that Malcut did not turn her face away from Israel. When the Ark started its rest, Moses said;
Numbers 10:36
“וּבְנֻחֹה יֹאמַר שׁוּבָה יְהוָה רִבְבוֹת אַלְפֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל.”
“And when it rested, he said: “Return, O YHVH, To the many thousands of Israel.”
With these words, Moses tells that the illumination of Chokmah stopped and the Light of Chassadim of Zeir Anpin is revealed. Now that the Ark is rested, the Shechina can be on the Right side that is Chassadim and receive the upper three sefirot from Chassadim of Zeir Anpin. Her face is now toward Israel and the Ark. She receives the Chassadim from the Ark and brings them to Israel and then she is included from everything, from the Ark and from Israel. But later Israel caused the Malchut to return her rear to them, as it is written;
Numbers 11:1
“וַיְהִי הָעָם כְּמִתְאֹנְנִים רַע בְּאָזְנֵי יְהוָה וַיִּשְׁמַע יְהוָה וַיִּחַר אַפּוֹ וַתִּבְעַר בָּם אֵשׁ יְהוָה וַתֹּאכַל בִּקְצֵה הַמַּחֲנֶה.”
“Now when the people complained, it displeased the YHVH; for YHVH heard it, and His anger was aroused. So the fire of the LORD burned among them, and consumed some in the outskirts of the camp.”
Because of that, the letter Nun reversed, and therefore it is written as a reversed Nun between “And the people were like mourners” and “And the people were like mourners.”
Rabbi Elazar said, what I said is from the book of Rabbi Yaiva Saba who said this, that between the two sides, the letter Nun turns her face. When the Ark was traveling, the Nun turned her face to the Ark and her back to Israel. You said it well that the letters Nuns are written as they should, but what I said that she turned her back to Israel is not because of the rest but because of what is written after, “the people complained”, can be found in the book of Rabbi HaManuna Saba.
Numbers 11:7
“וְהַמָּן כִּזְרַע גַּד הוּא וְעֵינוֹ כְּעֵין הַבְּדֹלַח.”
“Now the manna was like coriander seed (גַּד), and its color like the color of bdellium”
Rabbi Yossi said “like a coriander (גַּד) seed”, meaning like a regiment, that is to maintain a seed and armies in the land.
Genesis 49:19
“גָּד גְּדוּד יְגוּדֶנּוּ וְהוּא יָגֻד עָקֵב.”
“Gad, a troop shall tramp upon him, But he shall triumph at last.”
The tribe of Gad (גַּד) took their share outside the Holy Land, beyond the Jordan river. So it was with the manna that came to Israel outside of the Holy Land. That is, in the wilderness.