Daily Zohar 4189
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -4189

Hebrew translation:

121. בְּיוֹם זֶה לֹא צָרִיךְ בֶּן אָדָם לְפָרֵשׁ חֲטָאָיו בִּפְנֵי אַחֵר, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁכַּמָה הֵם שֶׁלּוֹקְחִים הַדִּבּוּר הַהוּא וּמַעֲלִים אוֹתוֹ לְמַעְלָה, וְיֵשׁ עֵדִים בַּדִּבּוּר הַהוּא. וּמָה (מיכה ז) מִשֹּׁכֶבֶת חֵיקֶךָ שְׁמֹר פִּתְחֵי פִיךָ – כָּל שֶׁכֵּן אֵלּוּ שֶׁהוֹלְכִים וּמִסְתַּכְּלִים לְקַטְרֵג עֲלֵיהֶם וּמְעִידִים עֲלֵיהֶם, וְכָל שֶׁכֵּן שֶׁעַזּוּת הוּא לִפְנֵי הַכֹּל וְחִלּוּל שְׁמוֹ שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא. וְעַל זֶה כָּתוּב, (קהלת ה) אַל תִּתֵּן אֶת פִּיךָ לַחֲטִיא אֶת בְּשָׂרֶךָ. (מכאן והלאה סוד באופן אחר)
122. פָּתַח וְאָמַר, (שמות יב) הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים וְגוֹ’. וְכִי כָל הַזְּמַנִּים וְהֶחֳדָשִׁים אֵינָם שֶׁל הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא? (אֶלָּא חָדְשֵׁיכֶם לֹא כָתוּב) אֶלָּא הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם, שֶׁלִּי הוּא, אֲבָל אֲנִי מָסַרְתִּי אוֹתוֹ לָכֶם. שֶׁלָּכֶם הוּא בְנִגְלֶה, אֲבָל שְׁבִיעִי שֶׁלִּי הוּא, וְעַל זֶה הוּא בַּכֶּסֶה וְלֹא בְגִלּוּי. חֹדֶשׁ שֶׁלָּכֶם הוּא מְסֻדָּר כְּסֵדֶר אוֹתִיּוֹת אָבִיב, שֶׁהוּא א’ ב’ ג’. י”ב הוּא סוֹד אוֹת ג’ (וְהוּא א’ ב’ ג’ כְּסֵדֶר הָאוֹתִיּוֹת). אֲבָל הַחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִי, שֶׁלִּי הוּא מִסּוֹף הָאוֹתִיּוֹת (תִּשְׁרֵי). מָה הַטַּעַם? אַתֶּם מִמַּטָּה לְמַעְלָה, וַאֲנִי מִמַּעְלָה לְמַטָּה.


Zohar Tetzaveh
Continued from previous DZ
On this day, no one should reveal his sins to another. Because the prosecutors of the other side take every word said to the upper court as a testimony against the person.
Micha 7:5
“אַל תַּאֲמִינוּ בְרֵעַ אַל תִּבְטְחוּ בְּאַלּוּף מִשֹּׁכֶבֶת חֵיקֶךָ שְׁמֹר פִּתְחֵי פִיךָ.”
“Do not trust in a friend; Do not put your confidence in a companion; Guard the openings of your mouth From her who lies in your bosom.”
Even when and where we are not expected, the other side follows us and waits for us to do or say something bad to record and testify about it above to inflict judgments on us.
It is written in Ecclesiastes 5:5
“אַל תִּתֵּן אֶת פִּיךָ לַחֲטִיא אֶת בְּשָׂרֶךָ וְאַל תֹּאמַר לִפְנֵי הַמַּלְאָךְ כִּי שְׁגָגָה הִיא לָמָּה יִקְצֹף הָאֱלֹהִים עַל קוֹלֶךָ וְחִבֵּל אֶת מַעֲשֵׂה יָדֶיךָ.”
“Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, nor say before the messenger of God that it was an error. Why should God be angry at your excuse and destroy the work of your hands?”

The confession in the prayer books is said in plural because we are responsible for each other. The sins we confess to are listed according to the Alef-Bet, and the other side cannot use it against us, and at the same time, we connect to the thirteen attributes of mercy to cleanse ourselves from all sins.
If we hurt another, we should immediately or as soon as possible ask forgiveness and or give Tzedaka to cleanse the wrong. When we forgive or are forgiven, the other side cannot take it up against us.

Exodus 12:2
“הַחֹדֶשׁ הַזֶּה לָכֶם רֹאשׁ חֳדָשִׁים רִאשׁוֹן הוּא לָכֶם לְחָדְשֵׁי הַשָּׁנָה.”
“This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.”
He asks why the Holy One, Blessed be He, says “this month for you”, when all times and months are his. He explains that “this month” is his, but he revealed for us the lights of the month (not months). It is given to us openly, but the seventh month is concealed as we read in Psalm 81:4
“תִּקְעוּ בַחֹדֶשׁ שׁוֹפָר בַּכֵּסֶה לְיוֹם חַגֵּנוּ.”
“Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, At the full moon, on our solemn (בַּכֵּסֶה, concealed) feast day.”
The covering and revealing of lights refer to the illumination of the Light of Chokmah. The month given to us is Nisan which is called “חדש האביב” “the month of the Spring”. It is in the order of the alphabet, according to the letters “אביב” “Spring”, which is אב”ג, because the “יב” of “אביב” is the secret of the letter ג because י Yod (10) in a small gematria is one. The letter ב is 2, and together 3 for the letter ג to make אבג. They are the first three letters of the Alef Bet.
The seventh month is concealed, and its name begins at the last three letters of the Alef Bet, that is, Tishrei תשר”י.
The reason is that we received the ascending order אבג, from below to above, and the Holy One, Blessed be He is from above to below as in the name תשרי. Start with the last letter ת, then go down to ש, and then to ר.
