Daily Zohar 2442
Daily Zohar 2442
Holy Zohar text. Daily Zohar -2442
Hebrew translation:

48. וְיֵשׁ אָדָם שֶׁלְּאַחַר שֶׁהִתְחָרֵט עַל חֲטָאָיו וְעָשָׂה תְשׁוּבָה, וְיִתְעַסֵּק בַּתּוֹרָה בְּיִרְאָה וְאַהֲבַת הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, וְלֹא עַל מְנָת לְקַבֵּל פְּרָס – זֶה זוֹכֶה לָאוֹת ו’, וְהוּא בֶּן יָ”הּ, וְעַל שְׁמוֹ נִקְרֵאת בִּינָה, וְזֶה גּוֹרֵם שֶׁתָּשׁוּב ו’ לְה’. וּמִלַּת תְּשׁוּבָה כָּךְ הִיא, תָּשׁוּב ו’ לְה’.
49. וּלְעוֹלָם לֹא שׁוֹרָה ה’ בְּאִישׁ, וְלֹא ו’, לְלֹא יִרְאָה וּלְלֹא אַהֲבָה, שֶׁהֵם יָ”הּ, יִרְאָה וְאַהֲבָה נִקְרָאִים בְּוַדַּאי. וּמִשָּׁם נִתְּנוּ הַתּוֹרָה וְהַמִּצְוָה, שֶׁהֵם בֵּן וּבַת. וּמִשּׁוּם שֶׁיִּשְׂרָאֵל מְקַיְּמִים הַתּוֹרָה וְהַמִּצְוָה, נִקְרְאוּ בָּנִים לַקָּדוֹשׁ-בָּרוּךְ-הוּא. זֶהוּ שֶׁכָּתוּב (דברים יב) בָּנִים אַתֶּם לַה’ אֱלֹהֵיכֶם.
50. הַנִּסְתָּרֹת (דברים כט) – יִרְאָה וְאַהֲבָה, שֶׁהֵם בַּמֹּחַ וּבַלֵּב, בַּחֲלַל הַגּוּף וּבָרֹאשׁ. וְהַנִּגְלֹת – הַתּוֹרָה וְהַמִּצְוָה, שֶׁהֵם בַּגּוּף וּבָרֹאשׁ מִבַּחוּץ. וְסוֹד הַדָּבָר כָּךְ הוּא וַדַּאי, שֶׁאִם הָאָדָם פּוֹחֵד מֵהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אוֹ אוֹהֵב אוֹתוֹ – אֶת זֶה לֹא יוֹדֵעַ אָדָם אַחֵר, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁזֶּהוּ דָּבָר שֶׁלֹּא הִתְגַּלָּה אֶלָּא בֵּינוֹ לְבֵין קוֹנוֹ.

Zohar Naso
Repentance, ‘תשובה’, pronounced ‘Teshuvah’, letters of תשוב – ה, meaning ‘return of the H’.
The repentance, Teshuva is when a person regrets his past inequities and all impure past and wish to connect to the Holy One Blessed Be He by studying the Torah with Awe and Love, expecting no rewards. That person merits a connection to Zeir Anpin, the ‘son’, and the letter Vav ו of the YHVH name. He becomes a ‘son’ to YH יה. Y is Chokmah and the aspect of Father, H is Binah and the aspect of Mother to Zeir Anpin, the ‘son’.
This process causes the Vav to return to Malchut the lower H of the YHVH name and cause a flow of light to the world.
Deuteronomy 14:1
“בנים אתם”
The Zohar explains that the H and the Vav won’t be in a person without Awe and Love, which are the ‘concealed’ levels of Y and H.
Before each prayer and even before different parts in the same prayer we read L’shem Yichud.
(See https://dailyzohar.com/daily-zohar-980/ for more complete Hebrew text with additional explanations.)
“For the unification of the Holy One Blessed Be He and the Shechina (יאהדונהי) , with Awe and Love (יאההויהה), Love and Awe (איההיוהה), in complete unification (יהוה) on behalf of all Israel. Here we come to establish connection with this action to its supernal and spiritual root, to give gratification to our maker and do the will of our Creator. And the beneficent of our God be upon us. And the work of our hands establish our connection below and our action connect to him (YHVH).”
We read twice, ‘Awe and Love’ then ‘Love and Awe’. In the parenthesis we see the unification of the higher names; YHVH יהוה and AHYH אהיה in two forms that binds them in both direction, up and down. The complete unification is the simple and purest form of the name YHVH (less is more!).
Teshuvah is a continuous process and we should have this consciousness before we do anything that is related to desires to draw light through prayers, meditations and studies.
Even before the study the Daily Zohar we can meditate on connecting Vav ו Zeir Anpin and ה Malchut.
The Daily Zohar intentionally designed to deliver the sacred Zohar. The DZ has the original text in Aramaic (I transform the text into image so all readers see the same thing for he aspect of unity). Then we have the translation into Hebrew for additional revelation. Reading the text allowed and or listening to the recording adds the connection to Binah. The study in English contains the complete Bible verses that the Zohar use to reveal the secrets. It connects us to the seeds of the Light in the Torah and Prophets.