Adar is the 12th month in the Hebrew Calendar.
Rosh Chodesh (Two days) – Aspect of Keter 
from 2nd of the month to the 8th – aspect of Chokmah
9th to 15th – Binah
16th to 22nd – Zeir Anpin
23rd to End of Month – Malchut

Days of the week and related energy levels
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Chessed Gevurah Tiferet Netzach Hod Yessod Malchut
בלע יובב חושם הדד בן בדד שמלה שאול בעל חנן


Sefira level Adar(Male, Yessod), Chokmah (year 5780) of Yessod (decade) of Hod (Century) of Yessod (Millennia)
Zodiac Sign Pieces  ג
Letter of the month  ק
Planet  Jupiter – צדק
Tribe Binyamin
Priestly stone  Jasper


Tzadikim for this month


Rabbi Shabbatai HaKohen

Rabbi Shabbatai ben Meir HaKohen (Hebrew: שבתי בן מאיר הכהן‎; 1621–1662) was a noted 17th century talmudist and halakhist. He became known as the Shakh (Hebrew: ש”ך‎), which is an abbreviation of his most important work, Siftei Kohen (Hebrew: שפתי כהן‎) (literally Lips of the Priest), and his rulings were considered authoritative by later halakhists


Rabbi Avraham ibn Ezra

Bible commentator, astrologer, translator from Arabic into Hebrew, grammarian, philosopher, poet.

Iben Ezra

Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik

Rosh Yeshivas (“heads of the yeshiva”) of the Brisk yeshivas in Jerusalem

“Yosef”, “Yosef Dov”, “Yosha Ber”

Rav Yisrael (ben Avraham Mordechai) Alter

Kabbalist and Rav a member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. For  29 years, he rebuilt Ger and was a major force in the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudas Yisrael.


Rav Yisrael (ben Avraham Mordechai) Alter

Kabbalist and Rav a member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. For  29 years, he rebuilt Ger and was a major force in the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudas Yisrael.


Rabbi Yisrael (ben Avraham Mordechai) Alter

Yisrael Alter, (Polish: Izrael Alter, Hebrew: ישראל אלתר‎; October 1895 – 20 February 1977), also known as the Beis Yisroel after the works he authored, was the fifth Rebbe of the Hasidic dynasty of Ger, a position he held from 1948 until 1977.


Rabbi Meir Paprish



Rabbi Yom Tov Algazi

Student of the famed kabbalist Rabbi Shalom Sharabi – the RASHASH.

Rit Algazi

Rabbi Mordecai Yoffe

Rabbi Mordecai ben Avraham Yoffe (or Jaffe or Joffe) (c. 1530 – 7 March 1612; Hebrew: מרדכי בן אברהם יפה) was a Rabbi, Rosh yeshiva and posek. He is best known as author of Levush Malkhut

the Levush” or “the Ba’al Halevushim

Eliyahu David Rabinowitz -Teomim

leader of the Jewish community of Panevėžys, as the rabbi of Mir, led the Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem

The ADeReT (the aderes)

Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe

Halachist and Kabbalist.

Baal HaLevushim

Rabbi Eliezer Gordon

Rabbi Eliezer Gordon (Hebrew: אליעזר גוֹרְדוֹן‎; 1841–1910) also known as Reb Laizer Telzer (לייזער טעלזער), served as the rabbi and rosh yeshiva of Telz, Lithuania

Laizer Telzer

Rabbi Leib Sarah’s

Student of the Baal Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch, a tzaddik nistar.


Rav Achai Bar Rav Hunah

An Amorah- Torah scholar of Talmudic era. Passed away in the year 506.


Rabbi Leib (Sarah’s) Ben-Sara

Rabbi Leib Sarah’s (Aryeh Leib the son of Sarah) (1730–1796) was a Hasidic Rabbi, great scholar who demanded Torah words and and a disciple of the Baal Shem Tov.


Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer

Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer  was a famous Belarusian Orthodox rabbi, rosh yeshiva and posek. He is also known as the “Even HaEzel”—the title of his commentary on Rambam’s Mishne Torah.

Even HaEzel

Rabbi Yehoshua Dovid Povarsky

Rabbi Dovid Povarsky (1902–1999) is known for his erudite Talmudic lectures and his deanship as Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh Yeshiva.


Rabbi Avraham Halevy Bing

Rabbi Avraham Halevy Bing is also known as our teacher, Rabbi Avraham Segal Binga, was one of the leading rabbis of German Jewry in the 18 and 19 , Rabbi of the State of Wurzburg in the Franconia region of the Bavarian Kingdom.

Our Teacher

Rabbi Judah ben Samuel of Regensburg

A leader of the Chassidei Ashkenaz


Rabbi Yeshaya Azulai

Son of the famous kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Azulai.


Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz

Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim ben Aaron Luntschitz (1550 – 21 April, 1619) was a rabbi and Torah commentator, best known for his Torah commentary Keli Yekar. He served as the Rabbi of Prague from 1604-1619.

Keli Yekar
7 Moshe Rabeinu (Moses)  

Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Taub

The Kaliver Dynasty began with Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Taub (1744–1821) of Nagykálló , Hungary. He was the first Hassidic Rebbe in Hungary

Kaliver Rebbe

Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Walid

Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Walid, the Rabbi of Tetouan, was one of the most glorious personalities among the Gaonim of Morocco

Vayomer Yitzchak

Rabbi Avraham Brandwein

Kabbalist, son of Rabbi Yehuda Tzvi Brandwein


Rabbi Gershon Ashkenazi

Rabbi Gershon Ashkenazi studied under Joel Sirkis, the “Bach”. He was also a talmid of the Maharam Shif, and the Rabbi Heschel of Kraków.


Joseph Rosen, Rogatchover Gaon

Known as the Rogatchover Gaon, (“Genius of Rogachev”), and also often referred to by the title of his main work Tzofnath Paneach (“Decipherer of Secrets”)

Rogatchover Gaon

Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai

Halachist, Kabbalist, historian and bibliographer.

11 Rabbi Eliezer Lipman  


Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (1895-1986) was a Lithuanian rabbi, scholar and posek who was world-renowned for his expertise in Halacha, and was regarded by many as the de facto supreme rabbinic authority for Orthodox Jewry of North America.


Rabbi Yehudah HaChasid

Ethicist, Kabbalist

15 All the Tzadikim  

Rabbi Simeon ben Zemah Duran

Rabbi Simeon ben Zemah Duran, also Tzemach Duran (1361–1444; שמעון בן צמח דוראן), known as Rashbatz (רשב”ץ) or Tashbatz was a Rabbinical authority, A major 15th century posek, his published decisions in matters of halacha have been widely quoted in halachic literature for hundreds of years.


Rabbi Yitzchok Friedman

Yitzchok Friedman  was the founder and first Rebbe of the Boyan Hasidic dynasty. He was known as the Pachad Yitzchok (Dread of Isaac).

Pachad Yitzchok

Rabbi Chanoch Henich HaKohen of Alexander

Chassidic leader


Rabbi Chanokh Heynekh HaKohen Levin

Rabbi Chanokh Heynekh HaKohen Levin (1798 – 21 March 1870) of Aleksander served as the rebbe of a community of thousands of Hasidim during the “interregnum” between the Chidushei HaRim of Ger and the Sfas Emes


Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, also spelled Zonnenfeld, (1 December 1848 – 26 February 1932) was the rabbi and co-founder of the Edah HaChareidis, Haredi Jewish community in Jerusalem, during the years of the British Mandate of Palestine


Rabbi Joel ben Samuel Sirkis

Rabbi Joel ben Samuel Sirkis (יואל בן שמואל סירקיש) also known as the Bach – בית חדש) ב”ח)—an abbreviation of his magnum opus, Bayit Chadash—was a prominent Jewish posek and halakhist. He lived in central Europe and held rabbinical positions in Belz, Brest-Litovsk and Kraków. He lived from 1561 to 1640


Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach

Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Hebrew: שלמה זלמן אוירבך‎; July 20, 1910 – February 20, 1995) was a renowned Orthodox Jewish rabbi, posek, and rosh yeshiva of the Kol Torah yeshiva in JerusalemIsrael. The Jerusalem neighborhood Ramat Shlomo is named after Rabbi Auerbach


Rabbi Eliyahu Mishan of Aram Tsoba

Rabbi Eliyahu Mishan became known by the name of his critical work in the hidden fields of Torah entitled “Sefat Emet.”


Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin

Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin (Hebrew: שלמה יוסף זווין) was one of the most prominent Orthodox, Religious Zionist rabbis of the 20th century. He founded the Encyclopedia Talmudit, a Hebrew Halachic Encyclopedia, of which he was chief editor until his death.


Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk

A major Chassidic leader, and kabbalist.

Noam Elimelach

Rabbi Refael Shapiro

Rabbi Refael Shapiro (1837–1921) was the son of  Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shapirofa, Rosh Yeshiva of the Volozhin yeshiva located in the town of Volozhin, Russia


Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg-Alter

Yitzchak Meir Rotenberg-Alter (Polish: Icchak Meir Rothenberg Alter, Hebrew: יצחק מאיר אלתר‎, 1799 – 10 March 1866), was the first Rebbe of the Ger Hasidic dynasty, which he founded in the town of Góra Kalwaria (known as “Ger” in Yiddish), Poland

The Chiddushei HaRim

Rabbi Yisroel Avrohom Portugal

Rabbi Yisroel Avrohom Portugal (or Israel Abraham Portugal) (June 2, 1923 – April 1, 2019) son of Rabbi Eliezer Zusia Portugal and his first wife, Sheina Rachel, was the Rebbe(Grand Rabbi) of Skulen in Brooklyn, New York. He was the last Holocaust era Rebbe to lead a Hasidic sect


Rabbi Avraham Gershon of Kitov

Abraham Gershon of Kitov, also known as Rabbi Gershon of Brody, was probably born in or near Kuty (Kitov), Poland around 1701 and died in Jerusalem in 1761. He is best known as the Baal Shem Tov’s brother-in-law.


Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg

Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg was a Polish-born, American-raised, Israeli Haredi rabbi and rosh yeshiva who, from 1965, made his home in the Kiryat Mattersdorf neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel


Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg

Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg was a Polish-born, American-raised, Israeli Haredi rabbi and rosh yeshiva who, from 1965, made his home in the Kiryat Mattersdorf neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel


Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg

Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg was a Polish-born, American-raised, Israeli Haredi rabbi and rosh yeshiva who, from 1965, made his home in the Kiryat Mattersdorf neighborhood of Jerusalem, Israel


Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Mi-modena

Rabbi Leon Modena or Yehudah Aryeh Mi-modena (1571–1648) was a Jewish scholar born in Venice in a family whose ancestors migrated to Italy after an expulsion of Jews from Spain.

Leon Modena

Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhab of Amsterdam

Kabbalist, head of the Jewish court in Amsterdam.


Rabbi Shlomo Elyashiv (Eliashov)

Shlomo Elyashiv (Eliashov) (January 5, 1841 [12 Tevet 5602] – March 13, 1926 [27 Adar, 5676]) (Hebrew: שלמה בן חיים חייקל אלישיב), also known as the Leshem or Ba’al HaLeshem, was a famous kabbalist, who was born in Šiauliai, Lithuania, and later moved to Palestine.

Ba’al HaLeshem

Rabbi Yaakov (Jakob) Barit

Rabbi Yaakov (Jakob) Barit, also known as Yankele Kovner (12 September 1797 – 6 March 1883) was a Russian Talmudist and communal worker. He died in Vilna at the age of 85.

Yankele Kovner


 Rosh Yeshiva, Posek and Talmudist in the post-World War II American Jewish community.


Rabbi Shlomo Hakohen of Radomsk

Chassidic leader

Tiferet Shlomo

Rabbi Shlomo Hakohen Rabinowicz

Rabbi Shlomo Hakohen Rabinowicz (also spelled Rabinowitz, Rabinowich, Rabinovitch) (1801 – 16 March 1866) was the first Rebbe of the Radomsk Hasidic dynasty and one of the great Hasidic masters of 19th-century Poland. He is known as the Tiferes Shlomo after the title of his sefer, which is considered a classic in Hasidic literature.