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Daily Zohar # 1551 – Balak – Why Balaam?

Daily Zohar # 1552 – Balak – Wings on fire

Daily Zohar # 1553 – Balak – True and heartfelt tears

Daily Zohar # 1554 – Balak – Light against might

Daily Zohar # 1555 – Balak – Sometimes you are on your own.

Daily Zohar # 1556 – Balak – Embrace your challenges.

Daily Zohar # 1859 – Balak – Judgments and rewards

Daily Zohar # 1860 – Balak – ‘Who’ can heal you

Daily Zohar # 1861 – Balak – Beware of the two appointees

Daily Zohar # 1862 – Balak – Life or sling out

Daily Zohar # 1863 – Balak – Beware of the Ox

Daily Zohar # 1864 – Balak – Eyes to the future

Daily Zohar # 2175 – Balak – A lesson about questions

Daily Zohar # 2176 – Balak – How elevated is your scent

Daily Zohar # 2177 – Balak – Wash your hands

Daily Zohar # 2178 – Balak – A special child

Daily Zohar # 2179 – Balak – Blood and Soul

Daily Zohar # 2180 – Balak – For a good scent

Daily Zohar # 2472 – Balak – Why wise man's eyes are in his head

Daily Zohar # 2473 – Balak – How to keep the Light on your head

Daily Zohar # 2474 – Balak – How to protect ourselves from evil eye

Daily Zohar # 2476 – Balak – How do you see your 'angel'

Daily Zohar # 2477 – Balak – The 'Good' light of Moses

Daily Zohar # 2478 – Balak – The angel who has redeemed me

Daily Zohar # 2479 – Balak – And Joseph was the governor over the land

Daily Zohar # 2480 – Balak – The light of the father

Daily Zohar # 2481 – Balak – Justified protection

Daily Zohar # 2482 – Balak – How to draw future protection

Daily Zohar # 2483 – Balak – Mothers for generations

Daily Zohar # 2484 – Balak – Fish of the sea

Daily Zohar # 2485 – Balak – Are you ready for a daily war?

Daily Zohar # 2486 – Balak – Elevate your food

Daily Zohar # 2487 – Balak – As you sow, shall you reap

Daily Zohar # 2488 – Balak – Sin or no sin

Daily Zohar # 2489 – Balak – Get rid of your 'chaff'

Daily Zohar # 2772 – Balak – Feed from a thousand mountains

Daily Zohar # 2773 – Balak – The positive aspect of Evil Inclination

Daily Zohar # 2774 – Balak – Three branches to make wine

Daily Zohar # 2775 – Balak – Two types of grape tree

Daily Zohar # 2776 – Balak – Why we put water in the wine

Daily Zohar # 2777 – Balak – To ride upon an angel

Daily Zohar # 2778 – Balak – Why did they target Moses

Daily Zohar # 2779 – Balak – Turning their knowledge into foolishness

Daily Zohar # 2780 – Balak – Closing accounts

Daily Zohar # 2781 – Balak – Do not provoke them

Daily Zohar # 2782 – Balak – The line of life and death

Daily Zohar # 2783 – Balak – Bless God, O my soul

Daily Zohar # 2784 – Balak – Listening and acting

Daily Zohar # 2785 – Balak – Holy Kedusha

Daily Zohar # 2786 – Balak – Fish of the sea

Daily Zohar # 2787 – Balak – Bless before, and be blessed

Daily Zohar # 2788 – Balak – A child and angels

Daily Zohar # 2789 – Balak – The young lions roar

Daily Zohar # 2790 – Balak – Energize that letter

Daily Zohar # 2791 – Balak – Teach it to your children

Daily Zohar # 2792 – Balak – A child with a cup of blessings

Daily Zohar # 2793 – Balak – The providers are blessed

Daily Zohar # 2794 – Balak – Daily Chessed with pride and joy

Daily Zohar # 2795 – Balak – The scent of a special apple.

Daily Zohar # 3086 – Balak – How to shield yourself from evil eyes

Daily Zohar # 3086 – Balak – How to shield yourself from evil eyes

Daily Zohar # 3087 – Balak – Is your bread polluted or pure?

Daily Zohar # 3087 – Balak – Is your bread polluted or pure?

Daily Zohar # 3088 – Balak – How to collect keys to the treasures of the future

Daily Zohar # 3089 – Balak – Ask questions and receive Light answers

Daily Zohar # 3090 – Balak – Don’t let him take it back from you

Daily Zohar # 3091 – Balak – What to do when the evil-side is after you?

Daily Zohar # 3092 – Balak – Who’s the boss

Daily Zohar # 3093 – Balak – The wise healer

Daily Zohar # 3094 – Balak – Don’t lose your ‘Captives’

Daily Zohar # 3095 – Balak – Keep this world tranquil!

Daily Zohar # 3096 – Balak – Plans formed long ago

Daily Zohar # 3097 – Balak – ‘You’ are Right

Daily Zohar # 3098 – Balak – Wonderful counselor

Daily Zohar # 3099 – Balak – Cursed be those who curse you

Daily Zohar # 3100 – Balak – Learning to listen

Daily Zohar # 3101 – Balak – True but deceiving

Daily Zohar # 3102 – Balak – Moses and the upper hand

Daily Zohar # 3103 – Balak – Who taught Balak and Balaam magic

Daily Zohar # 3104 – Balak – How was Balaam’s flight ‘grounded’

Daily Zohar # 3105 – Balak – Dan shall judge

Daily Zohar # 3106 – Balak – How to kill a snake

Daily Zohar # 3107 – Balak – The wise king and the queen

Daily Zohar # 3108 – Balak – The name of the wicked will rot

Daily Zohar # 3109 – Balak – The poor is before Moses and David

Daily Zohar # 3110 – Balak – The brokenhearted goes first

Daily Zohar # 3111 – Balak – For I am poor and needy

Daily Zohar # 3112 – Balak – Incline Your ear, and answer me

Daily Zohar # 3113 – Balak – Clean it as far as you can see

Daily Zohar # 3114 – Balak – I lifted my hands to…

Daily Zohar # 3115 – Balak – Turn to me and have mercy

Daily Zohar # 3379 – Balak – The Right will accept you back

Daily Zohar # 3380 – Balak – How to be on the Right side of God

Daily Zohar # 3381 – Balak – They shall not be sold as slaves

Daily Zohar # 3382 – Balak – He who walks in …

Daily Zohar # 3383 – Balak – When you catch your prey, share it

Daily Zohar # 3384 – Balak – Fix a good dwelling for your bird

Daily Zohar # 3385 – Balak – Give the bird a good home

Daily Zohar # 3386 – Balak – The birds that can see the Bird’s Nest

Daily Zohar # 3387 – Balak – Your two altars

Daily Zohar # 3388 – Balak – Magic vs Light

Daily Zohar # 3389 – Balak – Fairest among women

Daily Zohar # 3390 – Balak – Don’t lose your gifts

Daily Zohar # 3391 – Balak – Where are you?

Daily Zohar # 3392 – Balak – She can makes miracles for us when…

Daily Zohar # 3393 – Balak – You have the wisdom in front of you

Daily Zohar # 3394 – Balak – Like a loving mother

Daily Zohar # 3395 – Balak – The angel that taught Moses can be our advocate

Daily Zohar # 3396 – Balak – He is bad but the Ancient is on his side

Daily Zohar # 3397 – Balak – Holy mouth

Daily Zohar # 3398 – Balak – Keep justice, and do righteousness

Daily Zohar # 3399 – Balak – Three gates of justice

Daily Zohar # 3400 – Balak – Spiritual mirrors

Daily Zohar # 3401 – Balak – Too mighty for me

Daily Zohar # 3402 – Balak – How to wash away evil and sorcery

Daily Zohar # 3675 – Balak – Go to war against the enemy who attacks you

Daily Zohar # 3676 – Balak – Your judgments are in the earth

Daily Zohar # 3677 – Balak – The waist of Mashiach

Daily Zohar # 3678 – Balak – The evil wants to control our mouth and actions

Daily Zohar # 3679 – Balak – Keep the flame on

Daily Zohar # 3680 – Balak – You were appointed to be holy priest

Daily Zohar # 3681 – Balak – Yet I will discipline you justly

Daily Zohar # 3682 – Balak – Pay it now before it’s too late.

Daily Zohar # 3683 – Balak – At the end, you will be happy

Daily Zohar # 3684 – Balak – They shoot us in the heart

Daily Zohar # 3685 – Balak – Your life depend on it

Daily Zohar # 3686 – Balak – No arrogance

Daily Zohar # 3687 – Balak – Repair your blemishes with Light

Daily Zohar # 3688 – Balak – The plot of evil turned to light

Daily Zohar # 3689 – Balak – The test

Daily Zohar # 3690 – Balak – I have trodden them in My anger

Daily Zohar # 3692 – Balak – Life or ego

Daily Zohar # 3691 – Balak – Don’t be a leper

Daily Zohar # 3693 – Balak – A donkey story

Daily Zohar # 3694 – Balak – To Him who alone does great wonders

Daily Zohar # 3695 – Balak – Amazed and wonder

Daily Zohar # 3696 – Balak – A new song

Daily Zohar # 3697 – Balak – His Right hand is psalm

Daily Zohar # 3698 – Balak – His right hand and His holy arm have gained the victory

Daily Zohar # 3699 – Balak – The angels of the mouth

Daily Zohar # 3700 – Balak – How many ‘birds’ are above your head?

Daily Zohar # 3701 – Balak – Dig some wells to have a shade

Daily Zohar # 3702 – Balak – The spring of sweet waters

Daily Zohar # 3703 – Balak – Be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water

Daily Zohar # 3704 – Balak – The door is open for your protection

Daily Zohar # 3705 – Balak – Are you bearing fruits?

Daily Zohar # 3706 – Balak – Weapons, Trumpets and Shofars

Daily Zohar # 3707 – Balak – To share a miracle

Daily Zohar # 3708 – Balak – For the love of mom, I’ll expand myself

Daily Zohar # 3709 – Balak – Spread your wings to expect angels

Daily Zohar # 3710 – Balak – What to do when you face evil?

Daily Zohar # 3711 – Balak – The oppressor, and the oppressed

Daily Zohar # 3712 – Balak – Nursing babies

Daily Zohar # 3713 – Balak – He shall make atonement for you

Daily Zohar # 3714 – Balak – Three trees for three giants

Daily Zohar # 3715 – Balak – He speaks softly to us

Daily Zohar # 3716 – Balak – What have I done to you?

Daily Zohar # 3717 – Balak – From the top of the rocks I see Mashiach

Daily Zohar # 3718 – Balak – Mashiach is among us but his light comes from above

Daily Zohar # 3719 – Balak – Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse

Daily Zohar # 3720 – Balak – Holy language of Creation

Daily Zohar # 3721 – Balak – The secret gift of one-fourth of Israel.

Daily Zohar # 3997 – Balak – You shall hear my voice in the morning

Daily Zohar # 3998 – Balak – Your health provider is…

Daily Zohar # 3999 – Balak – The mornings of Abraham and Joseph

Daily Zohar # 4000 – Balak – The King’s love

Daily Zohar # 4001 – Balak – A dove and a crow on a mission

Daily Zohar # 4002 – Balak – Does Hashem follow the Torah

Daily Zohar # 4003 – Balak – Thirteen for one

Daily Zohar # 4004 – Balak – Out of the mouth of babies

Daily Zohar # 4005 – Balak – Do you want Life?

Daily Zohar # 4006 – Balak – A Mikveh of fire

Daily Zohar # 4007 – Balak – He suffered but kept his certainty

Daily Zohar # 4008 – Balak – Be careful in your second life

Daily Zohar # 4009 – Balak – Zelophehad

Daily Zohar # 4010 – Balak – So Moses brought their case before YHVH

Daily Zohar # 4011 – Balak – The killer snake

Daily Zohar # 4012 – Balak – He who has a generous eye will be blessed

Daily Zohar # 4013 – Balak – The generation of Rabbi Shimon

Daily Zohar # 4014 – Balak – Goliath lost before David hit him

Daily Zohar # 4015 – Balak – He cursed and died

Daily Zohar # 4016 – Balak – We will be glad to see him

Daily Zohar # 4017 – Balak – What cause leprosy

Daily Zohar # 4018 – Balak – Evil and despicable

Daily Zohar # 4019 – Balak – Eat not the bread of an evil eye

Daily Zohar # 4020 – Balak – Other Gods

Daily Zohar # 4021 – Balak – He was killed by his own sword

Daily Zohar # 4022 – Balak – Riding on a donkey

Daily Zohar # 4023 – Balak – For there is no sorcery against Jacob, Nor any magic against Israel

Daily Zohar # 4024 – Balak – There are angels on the path of the just

Daily Zohar # 4025 – Balak – Why the angel of mercy stood against Balaam

Daily Zohar # 4026 – Balak – Blind with eyes wide open

Daily Zohar # 4027 – Balak – Then YHVH opened Balaam’s eyes

Daily Zohar # 4028 – Balak – Angels in trouble

Daily Zohar # 4029 – Balak – No Light for fallen angels

Daily Zohar # 4030 – Balak – Density

Daily Zohar # 4031 – Balak – Knowledge from angels in the dark

Daily Zohar # 4032 – Balak – He was brought from the mountains of darkness

Daily Zohar # 4033 – Balak – Raise your shields

Daily Zohar # 4034 – Balak – Angel of mercy with a sword

Daily Zohar # 4035 – Balak – He struck her for nothing

Daily Zohar # 4036 – Balak – Donkey in trouble

Daily Zohar # 4037 – Balak – Narrow path between the vineyards

Daily Zohar # 4038 – Balak – Like a segment of pomegranate

Daily Zohar # 4039 – Balak – Like the precious oil upon the head

Daily Zohar # 4040 – Balak – The day of the joy of his heart

Daily Zohar # 4041 – Balak – The keeper of the vineyards

Daily Zohar # 4042 – Balak – Why Balaam got angry

Daily Zohar # 4043 – Balak – Why did you struck me

Daily Zohar # 4044 – Balak – Donkey’s state of mind

Daily Zohar # 4045 – Balak – A fool without a sword

Daily Zohar # 4046 – Balak – How to tell the future

Daily Zohar # 4047 – Balak – He cannot be bribed

Daily Zohar # 4048 – Balak – He was put on ice

Daily Zohar # 4049 – Balak – Curses and blessings

Daily Zohar # 4050 – Balak – God is angry everyday

Daily Zohar # 4051 – Balak – The strength from the top of the rocks

Daily Zohar # 4052 – Balak – Who can count the dust of Jacob

Daily Zohar # 4053 – Balak – One-fourth of Israel

Daily Zohar # 4054 – Balak – I cannot take it from them

Daily Zohar # 4055 – Balak – Don’t mess with Israel

Daily Zohar # 4056 – Balak – Like a lion lying on its prey

Daily Zohar # 4057 – Balak – You can kill 1125 of them every night

Daily Zohar # 4058 – Balak – Persistent evil

Daily Zohar # 4059 – Balak – Protection from spells

Daily Zohar # 4060 – Balak – Don’t expose yourself to the plague

Daily Zohar # 4061 – Balak – The Spirit of God for protection

Daily Zohar # 4062 – Balak – A cursed praise

Daily Zohar # 4063 – Balak – Like a lion lying on his prey

Daily Zohar # 4064 – Balak – No sorcerers in the world could do that

Daily Zohar # 4065 – Balak – Reaching the fallen angels

Daily Zohar # 4066 – Balak – Where most men fails

Daily Zohar # 4067 – Balak – Every letter and word in the Torah has it

Daily Zohar # 4068 – Balak – The ruler of Rome will die

Daily Zohar # 4069 – Balak – I shall not die, but live

Daily Zohar # 4070 – Balak – The joy from the wells of salvation

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Even in a concealment within a concealment, he is there
